Ecology and Environment: Writing and Grammar


 Working with words

B. Compound Words

The words redwood, barefoot, single-burner, short-term, fast-paced, mud-slide, windstorm and childhood are made of two words, and they yield a new meaning. Compound words can be written in three ways: open compounds (spelled as two words, e.g., ice cream), Closed compounds (joined to form a single word, e.g., doorknob), or hyphenated compounds (two words joined by a hyphen, e.g., long- term).


Choose one word from each box to make sensible compound words.

rattle, sun, moon, touch, day, fire, water, basket, pass, wash, weather, grand, gross

Down, port, light, snake, cloth, mother, walk, flower, dream, man, ball, works, melon



a.     Write a review of a book or film which you have read or watched recently.


b.     Your school is going to organize or speech competition on coming Friday. The subject of the speech is “let's save the trees and protect our environment.” Draft of his speech using the following prompts.

Natural world – plants, elements, and animals - billions of living beings and billions of trees – environment - entire air, soil, trees, water - coexistence of all - good environment - human being – greedy/selfish/consumerist - thinking him owner - other things property – urbanization – industrialization - road construction – canal/dam construction - airport construction - loss of trees - control greed/appetite - good environment - quality life - bad environment -bad life.


Someone says something to you which contradicts what they told you earlier. Match the beginnings of the conversation with the correct endings.

I'm going to Pokhara on holiday

you said she had had a boy.

He's a lawyer.

You admitted you cheated in all your exams.

She has had a baby girl.

You told me he was a teacher.

I haven't seen Bidesh for ages.

You told me she was fluent in both.

I love these new boots.

You said you hated them.

I only cheated in one exam.

You said you were going on a business.

She does not speak Hindi or Chinese.

You told me his office was in Biratnagar.

He walks in Kathmandu.

You told me you'd seen him previous week


Reported Speech

Someone says to you which contradicts to what they told you earlier. Match the beginning of the conversations with the correct endings.


a.     I’m going to Pokhara on holiday.

Ans: You said you were going on business.     

b.     He’s a lawyer. 

Ans: You told me he was a teacher.

c.      She’s had a baby girl.

Ans: You said she’d had a boy.

d.     I haven’t seen Binesh for ages.

Ans: You told me you’d seen him previous week.

e.      I love these new boots.

Ans: You said you hated them.

f.       I only cheated in one exam.

Ans: You admitted you cheated in all your exams.

g.     She doesn’t speak Hindi or Chinese.

Ans: You told me she was fluent in both.

h.     He works in Kathmandu.

Ans: You told me his office was in Biratnagar.

Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

a.     The principal said, “You can phone from my office, Rita.”

The principal told Rita that she could phone from his office.


b.     You must not neglect your duty,” said the teacher to the student.

The teacher told the student that he/she did not have to neglect his/her duty.


c.      The student said, “Sir, please, grant me a leave for two days.”

The student requested the teacher to grant him a leave for two days.


d.     I said to her, “Go to school or you will be fined.”

I warned her to go to school or she would be fined.


e.      The headmaster said, “Don’t make any noise, boys.”

The headmaster forbade the boys to make noise.


f.       “Work hard if you want to rise in life,” said the old man.

The old man advised me to work hard if I wanted to rise in life.


g.     He said, “Goodbye, my friends!”

He bid farewell to his friends (and said ‘goodbye’).


h.     She said to me, “Have a pleasant journey ahead.”

She wished me that I might have a pleasant journey ahead.


i.       Don’t give me the book, please,” Sharmila said.

Sharmila requested not to give her the book.


j.       “Where have you been these days?” she spoke on the telephone.

She asked on the telephone where I had been those days.


k.     The teacher said, “Have you submitted your assignments, students?”

The teacher asked the students if/whether I had submitted my assignments.


These are the exact words Dinesh said to you yesterday.

“I’ve just got engaged! We’re getting married next month. We’re going to Pokhara for our honeymoon. It’s all going to be very expensive. Luckily, my friend is a photographer so he’ll take the photos for us. We’ll be having the reception in my parents’ back garden. My mum is baking the cake for us and my sister’s band is playing free for us. I hope you’ll come to the wedding.”


Now, you’re telling your friend what Dinesh told you. Complete the text.


He said he had just got engaged. He told me that he was getting married next month. He told me that they were going to Pokhara for their honeymoon. He mentioned that it was all going to be very expensive. He said that his friend was a photographer and he would take photos for them. He mentioned that they would be having the reception in his parents’ garden. He admitted that his mum was baking the cake for them. He said his sister’s band was playing free for them. He said he hoped I’d come to the wedding.

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