Question Answer of the short story 'Civil Peace' by Chinua Achebe



Civil Peace


Chinua Achebe

About the author

·  Chinua Achebe (1930 – 2013) was a Nigerian novelist, poet, professor and critic

·     He studied English, history and theology at University college, the University of Ibadan

·     His first novel Things Fall Apart (1958) is the most widely read book in modern African literature


Central idea of the story

The story ‘Civil Peace’ (1971) is set in the aftermath of the Nigerian Civil War. It is about the effects of the Nigerian Civil War on the people, and the ‘Civil peace’ that followed. Nigeria became an independent nation from the British colony in 1960. The Nigerian Civil War began in 1967 when the Igbo tried to separate from Nigeria to form the independent Republic of Biafra. After enduring three years of bloody battles, the Ibo were forced to surrender in 1970, ending the war. Biafrans suffered a severe famine due to the effect of war. Nearly a million people died of starvation.



Jonathan Iwegbu

The protagonist of the story is Jonathan Iwegbu. He is one of the civil peace survivors of Nigerian Civil War that took place in the late 1960s. He thinks himself is extraordinarily lucky as he himself, his wife and his three children are still alive. What’s more, he thinks the existence of his little house and the bicycle are unbelievable miracles. His family and the two miracles are the basics of his happy survival in the post war situation. Using the bicycle as a taxi, making his children involved in earning, making wife to earn and getting his house repaired, he attempts to live a happy life in the war destructed society.


Understanding the text

Answer the following questions

a.     Why did Jonathan think of himself as ‘extraordinarily lucky’?

Jonathan thought of himself as ‘extraordinarily lucky’ because he had basics of happy survival even after the destructive Nigerian Civil War. He himself and his wife with three children out of four were able to save their lives. As a bonus, he still had a bicycle and his house only without windows, doors and five sheets off the roof.


b.     What are the ‘five blessings’ for which Jonathan is grateful?

The ‘five blessings’ for which Jonathan is grateful are his life, his wife Maria’s life and his three children’s lives. He still has a bicycle which he has saved by burying during the war and he also has the little house that can be repaired.


c.    Why did Jonathan mistrust the officer who wanted to take his bicycle? What does this tell you about the situation of Nigeria?

Jonathan mistrusted the officer who wanted to take his bicycle because of a certain lack of grip and firmness in his manner. Suspecting him to be amenable to influence, Jonathan bribed the officer to save his bicycle. This tells us about the dreadful post war situation of Nigeria where the officers were corrupt and the life of common people had been difficult.


d.  What visitors might be at the door? Are Jonathan and his wife completely surprised? Explain.

The visitors at the door might be thieves or robbers. Jonathan and his wife are not completely surprised but they are also terrified. To their surprise, the boss of the thieves agrees with Jonathan’s offer of twenty pounds who first demands one hundred. 


e.    Why does no one in the neighbourhood respond when the thieves pound on Jonathan’s door? Why do the thieves call for the police?

No one in the neighbourhood responds when the thieves pound on Jonathan’s door because they are living in terror in the post war society. The thieves call for the police to tease Jonathan and his family. It indicates that there are no police to preserve law and order in the post war situation.


Reference to the context

a.   What does Jonathan mean by his expression “Nothing puzzles God”? What does this expression reveal about his character? Explain by citing details from the story.

The expression “Nothing puzzles God” reveals Jonathan’s deep belief on God. Himself and his wife including three children remained alive even in the destructive civil war due to God’s mercy on them. He still has a bicycle and the house that can be repaired. He calls them miracles waiting for him. According to him, such unbelievable miracles are blessings of God. Whenever he discovers the basics of happy survival in the post war situation, he uses the expression “Nothing puzzles God”.


The expression “Nothing puzzles God” reveals about his character that he is an honest man who relies on his labour and his religious conviction allows him to be hopeful for the future. Jonathan is, in fact, an optimistic, honest and a theist. He is appreciative or a positive thinker who sees the future whatever he has or poses. 


b.    How does Jonathan change as he experiences the conflicts in his life? Explain.

Jonathan changes as he experiences the conflicts in his life. He adopts appreciative inquiry. Whatever and whoever saved during the dreadful civil war are blessings for him. He regards them as the foundation of happy survival for the rest of life. He rarely became the victim of trauma of the war. He avoids melancholy and admires reconciliation to cheer the remaining days of life. He gives priority to spiritual world.


As a war survivor, Jonathan thinks himself is extraordinarily lucky. He thinks that he has been blessed with his life, his wife’s life and life of his three children. As he believes, God also has saved his little house and bicycle for his happy survival in the post war situation.


c.      Read the extract and answer the questions below.

“To God who made me; if you come inside and find one hundred pounds, take it and shoot me and shoot my wife and children. I swear God. The only money I have in this life is this twenty pounds egg-rasher they gave me today ..”

i.                   Who is the speaker?

The speaker is Jonathan.

ii.                 Who is the speaker talking to?

The speaker is talking to the thieves.

iii.              Who does ‘they’ refer to?

‘They’ refers the Treasury officials. 


d.  Nigerian English has words like soja ‘soldier’ and katakata ‘confusion’, trouble’ derived apparently from English words but transformed by native languages’ phonologies. What does the author’s use of dialect here add to the story?


The author’s use of dialect here adds exciting effect to the story. His purpose of making use of words like ‘soja’ and ‘katakata’ which are derived from English words but transformed by native languages’ phonologies is to promote his dialect and to ensure real flavour of the original dialect existed in the setting of the story. It brings liveliness and more real picture of his culture. He seems to be interested to introduce his native language’s phonology in the world’s literature. The way the words are used is more technical in the sense they are understood in the context. There are here also to create fun among readers and to cheer people who are suffered similar situation.


e.     Why do you think the thieves who come to rob Jonathan speak English with a heavier African accent than Jonathan does?

I think the thieves who come to rob Jonathan are not good at English. Their dialect suggests their poor educational status. They speak English with a heavier African accent than Jonathan does because they are natives of Africa and their dialect reflects the socio- linguistic situation of Nigeria. The author has used standard English to mark the main character’s language and for the thieves, he makes use of words in African accent. Such blending of standard and non-standard English makes the story comprehensible for readers from the world. This technique brings real atmosphere of the situation and adds clarity on the part of the audience.


f.  The title of the story “Civil Peace” itself is ironical as there is little to differentiate ‘civil peace’ from ‘civil war’. Do you think that the title of this story is appropriate, or would “Civil War” have a better title? Explain.


The title of the story “Civil Peace” itself is ironical as there is little to differentiate ‘civil peace’ from ‘civil war’. The story attempts to draw vivid picture of the post war situation in Nigeria. It reveals the condition of peace after the war is over. Though the war is over, the life of common people is complex. People are terrified and do not dare to face the robbery or theft or similar act of violence. It is evident in the case of Jonathan’s neighbours who do not respond when the thieves pound on Jonathan’s door. There are no police to preserve law and order and the presence of neighbours in the emergency. Thus, the title suggests poor condition of peace or lack of peace in the post war situation. Choosing this title, the author creates bitter irony to the concerned authority who are responsible for restoring peace after the civil war.


I think the title ‘Civil Peace” is appropriate as it reflects the organic atmosphere of civil peace in the post war society. It has drawn the dreadful picture of war affected society. One can easily suggest what to be done to restore peace in the very situation. The story seems to have been written to draw the attention of the concerned authority for improving the situation.  

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