Question and answer of the essay 'What I Require from Life' J.B.S. Haldane



What I Require from Life    

( J.B.S. Haldane (1892 – 1964)

About the Author

John Burdon Sanderson Haldane was a British-Indian scientist known for his work in the study of physiology, genetics, evolutionary biology, and mathematics. His formal schooling was done at Eton College and New College at was oxford. He obtained his M. A. in 1914. Soon after, Haldane enlisted in the British Army and served during World War I. after returning from the war, Haldane began his teaching career at university.


Haldane first paper in 1915 demonstrated genetic linkage in mammals. Haldane was a professed socialist, Marxist, atheist and humanist. His political dissent led him to renounce his British citizenship in 1956 and live in India, becoming a naturalized Indian citizen. His major works include Daedalus (1924), Animal Biology (with British evolutionist Julian Huxley, 1927), The Inequality of Man (1932), The Cause of Evolution (1932), The Marxist Philosophy and Sciences (1938), Keeping Cool and Other Essays (1940), Science Advances (1947), and The Biochemistry or Genetics (1954).


What is the essay about?

The essay What I Require from Life (1940), first published in The Daily Worker reflects socialistic convictions demanding democratic activities in work places. This essay is written in simple and lucid language. For him, four general things human requires are work and decent wage, freedom, health and friendship.


Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a.     How does the writer distinguish between a peaceful age and a heroic age?

The writer regards the time of his birth as peaceful age whereas the time 1914 onward as heroic age. In the peaceful age, he may hope for himself and for others too. He looks forward to a life of peace. Contrary to the peaceful age, he sees no prospect of surviving into another epoch of peace and quiet in the heroic age. So, he must try to make the best of time when he lives.


b.     Why does the writer want more freedom of speech than most people?

The writer wants more freedom of speech than most people because he wants to say and write about something prohibited or prevented by prevalent law and tradition. For example, he wants to say and write what he thinks about Lord Blank’s newspapers, Mr. Dash’s pills and Sir John Asterisk’s beer, all of which are poisonous and the law of libel prevents him from doing so.


c.      According to the writer, what are the four general human needs?

According to the writer, the four general human needs are:

i.                   work and the decent wage

ii.                 freedom; particularly freedom of speech

iii.              health; fit for work and enjoyment

iv.               friendship; friendship of collegues




d.     What is the difference between desire and demand according to the writer?

According to the writer, demand is more sold than desire. Demand is very close to four general human needs, i.e., work with decent wage, freedom, health and friendship. He demands adventure in addition to the four requirements. Unlike demand, desire is a form of luxury. (He desires to have a room of his own with some books, a motor car, and a daily bath. He also desires to have a garden, a bathing pool, a beach, or a river within easy reach.)


e.      Why does the writer demand security?

The writer demands security because he fully realizes that peace and security are rightful aims, and that his own desire is probably merely an adaptation to the age in which he lives. He thinks that he is a child of his age, and all the worse for being one.


Reference to the context

Explain the following lines with reference to the context:

a.     “The satisfaction of adventure is something much more solid than a thrill.”

In "What I Require from My Life," J.B.S. Haldane reflects on the importance of adventure and the pursuit of knowledge. This statement "The satisfaction of adventure is something much more solid than a thrill" refers to his belief that the pursuit of adventure is not simply about seeking thrills, but about the satisfaction that comes from exploring new ideas, experiences, and perspectives.

For Haldane, adventure is a key component of a fulfilling life. He believes that the satisfaction that comes from exploring new ideas and experiences is much more solid and lasting than a fleeting thrill. By engaging in adventure, one is able to expand one's horizons, gain new knowledge, and form new connections with others. These experiences can lead to a deeper sense of contentment and satisfaction with life.

This statement highlights Haldane's emphasis on the pursuit of knowledge and the importance of exploring new ideas. He believes that life should be lived in a way that is meaningful and fulfilling, and that the pursuit of adventure and knowledge is a key part of that. By experiencing new things and learning new things, one can gain a deeper appreciation for the world and a greater sense of purpose.


b.     “I want the workers to see the fruit of their own work not in profits for others, but in their own and their friends’ well-being.”

This statement is taken from the essay, "What I Require from My Life" written by J.B.S. Haldane. It reflects the author's belief that workers should have access to the benefits of their own labor. He wants workers to be able to see the tangible results of their work in the form of improved quality of life for themselves and their friends, rather than just profits for others.

This perspective indicates Haldane's overall philosophy of life, which values happiness, knowledge, love, and a sense of purpose. By ensuring that workers are able to see the direct benefits of their work, Haldane believes that they will be happier and more satisfied

This statement also reflects Haldane's social and political beliefs, as he is advocating for a fairer distribution of wealth and resources. He believes that workers should be able to reap the benefits of their own labor, rather than having all the profits go to a small group of people or corporations.


c.      Why do you think the essayist has taken reference from the ancient philosophers?

The essayist, J.B.S. Haldane, has taken reference from ancient philosophers; Aristotle and Socrates in "What I Require from My Life” to support his ideas and beliefs about the meaning of life. The ancient philosophers were known for their deep reflections on the nature of existence and the pursuit of happiness. By referencing their ideas and perspectives, Haldane is able to provide a historical context for his own beliefs and demonstrate that his ideas are not new or unique, but rather part of a long tradition of philosophical inquiry into the meaning of life.


By referencing Aristotle and Socrates, Haldane also gives credibility to his own ideas and demonstrates that his beliefs are grounded in a rich philosophical tradition. Additionally, he is able to draw upon the wisdom and insights of these thinkers in order to support his own arguments and perspectives.


To conclude, Haldane's reference to ancient philosophers; Aristotle and Socrates, in "What I Require from My Life" serves to support and reinforce his own ideas and beliefs about the meaning of life, and to demonstrate that his ideas are part of a long and rich tradition of philosophical inquiry.


d.     Discuss the essay in terms of its language, purpose, subject, point of view and mode of writing.

The essay "What I Require from My Life" by J.B.S. Haldane is written in a reflective style. The language used is simple and lucid, making the ideas presented easily accessible to a huge audience.


The purpose of the essay is to outline the author's personal beliefs and values, and to explain what he requires from life in order to be happy and satisfied.


The subject of the essay is the author's personal philosophy of life and what he requires from it in order to be satisfied. Haldane reflects on his own experiences and beliefs, and explains how he has come to his conclusions about the meaning of life.


The point of view in the essay is first-person and subjective, as the author is writing from his own personal experiences and reflections. Haldane presents his ideas and beliefs in a straightforward and honest manner, offering his perspective on what is important in life.


The essay is written in reflective mode. Haldane uses his own experiences and beliefs as examples to support his ideas, and presents his thoughts in a clear and concise manner. The essay is not intended to persuade or argue, but rather to offer the author's personal perspective on life.



Reference beyond the text

a.     What do you require from your life to be happy and satisfied?

I require work with decent wage, good health, freedom, peace and security, and friendship to be happy and satisfied. Labour without dignity is meaningless and a form of slavery. A worker’s or servicer’s dignity is intricately linked to the wage; how, how much and even when it is paid. One should be mentally, physically and socially healthy to enjoy a happy life. It is one of basic needs of humankind. Freedom enhances creativity and meaning of life. Friendship stands for accompaniment of the nearest and dearest ones without whom individual happiness can’t flourish. Peace and security are also one of the basic entitlements that invites happiness and satisfaction in one’s life.


To conclude, requirements for happy and satisfied life indicate our general needs or basic needs to live a meaningful life. These needs create meaning and ensures value in one’s life. 


b.     What is socialism? How is it different from capitalism?

Socialism is an economic and political system in which the means of production and distribution are owned and controlled by the state or by the community as a whole, with the goal of promoting equality and meeting the needs of all members.

Capitalism, on the other hand, is an economic system in which private individuals or corporations own and control the means of production and distribution, and operate for profit. The market and competition drive production and distribution, and the accumulation of wealth is based on individual achievement.


The main difference between the two lies on the allocation of resources and distribution of wealth. In socialism, resources are allocated and wealth is distributed emphasizing collective ownership and equality, and in capitalism emphasizing individual ownership and profit motive.


c.      Write an essay about your dream house.

My dream house will be a spacious, modern, and eco-friendly home located in a peaceful countryside setting at the midst of nature. The house will have a large garden with a variety of flowers, plants, and trees, as well as a vegetable patch where I can grow my own fresh produce. Peace, greenery and comfort will be three major features of my dream house.

The main living area of the house would have an open-plan design with large windows that allow an abundance of natural light to flow in. The living room, kitchen, and dining room will be situated together in a large, open space, perfect for hosting guests and family gatherings. The kitchen will be fully equipped with state-of-the-art appliances and plenty of counter space for food preparation overlooking a mountain. The study will be large enough to manage books and furniture with at least a desktop and a laptop for the purpose of study. It will look like a small but cozy library.

The bedroom will be a peaceful and relaxing oasis, with a comfortable king-sized bed and a large window overlooking the garden and the sea. The bathroom will be modern and spacious, with a large bathtub and a separate shower. The house will be designed with sustainability in mind, with features such as solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, and a rainwater collection system. The use of natural materials, such as wood and stone, will also contribute to the eco-friendly design.

In addition to the main house, there will also be a separate guest house for visitors, with a large garage for my car and gardening equipment, and a spacious workshop for my hobbies. A covered patio and outdoor kitchen area will be the perfect spot for barbecuing and entertaining on warm summer evenings.

To conclude, my dream house will be fit for living a simple and peaceful life at the midst of nature, enjoying the comforts of a modern and eco-friendly home while living in harmony with the environment.

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