Determiners and Quantifiers



Determiners are used to identify things and quantifiers are used to say how much or how many.


·        Definite article: the

·        Indefinite articles: a/an

·        Possessives: my, your, his, her, our, their, its

·        Demonstratives: this, that, these, those

·        Interrogatives: which, what



·        Any, all, many, much, most, some, a few, a lot of, a little, none and the cardinal numbers (one, two, three), etc.

Complete the following sentences with much, many, few or little.

a.      He is an introvert. He has got very few friends.

b.     I am busy in preparing my examinations. I have very little time to give to you.

c.      The entire winter season was dry this year. We had little rain.

d.     Our town has almost been modernized. There are few old buildings left.

e.      You can come today. I haven’t got much to do.

f.       The party was crowded. There were too many people.

g.     How many photographs did you take while you were in Switzerland?

h.     There was little traffic so I came in time.

i.       Can I borrow few books from you?

j.       Mohan can’t be a good teacher. He has little patience. 


Things to remember:

·        Much + noncount nouns; little + noncount nouns

·        Few + count nouns; many + count nouns

·        All, most, more, some can be used with both plural count nouns and noncount nouns

Put each or every in the following sentences.

a.      The party split into three factions; each faction headed by a former prime minister.

b.     Leap years occur every four years.

c.      Each parent worries about their children.

d.     We had a great time in Singapore. We enjoyed every minute of our time.

e.      I could catch the main idea of his speech but I didn’t understand each of his words.

f.       In Nepal every motorcycle rider should wear a helmet.

g.     You most read each of these books for the exam.

Things to remember:


·        focus on individual unit/one by one; individual things within a group of two or more

·        singular

·        only two of something – talking about two things or two people always use each

·        small numbers

·        for only two things, we can use each or both – each other = one another

·        individual in a group - each


·        to express frequency

·        how often something happens

·        a group of objects or people

·        large numbers/infinite numbers

·        all parts in a group

·        use with the singular form of a noun

·        refers to the collective whole, not just the individuals; every = all

·        the group as a whole – every

Rewrite the following the sentences using all of, most of, none of, both of, or some of

a.      Your garden is superb most of the flowers are beautiful.

b.     Do you know Bharat and Kamal? Of course, I do both of them are my friends.

c.      I bought a box of apples thinking it would be cheaper but I was mistaken. Some of them were rotten.

d.     When I was in the town, I asked some people for direction but none of them were able to help me. I had to call my friend.

e.      We all were soaked in the rain because none of us had carried an umbrella.

f.       My father is healthy in his seventies but he feels isolated because all of his friends are dead now.

g.     All of the tourists are not Chinese some of them are Korean too.


Things to remembers:

·        Both refers to two members of a group of two

·        Few refers to a subgroup of the entire group,

·        All refers to the totality

·        Some refers to a moderate quantity

·        Most refers to almost all of something

·        None refers to not any or not one of group of things/people


Choose the best word from the brackets to complete the sentences.

a.      Give the money which I owe you.

b.     I want a boat which would take me to the island.

c.      Could you pour me some water, please?

d.     Only a few employees know how important the project was.

e.      He was looking for an umbrella.

f.       A large amount of water was evaporated due to excessive heat.

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