Conditional Sentences



Unit 10:  Conditional Sentences

Rewrite the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs.

a.      If you sell your stocks now, you will not get much money for them.

b.     A lot of people would lose job if the factory closed down.

c.      Our country won’t have to export wheat if it rains in November and February.

d.     If we had found him earlier, we could have saved his life.

e.      If he had not been wearing helmet, he would have been seriously injured.

f.       Unless you follow the instructions, you will not pass the exam.

g.     I don’t mind walking home as long as the weather is fine.

h.     The bank will sanction you the loan provided you deposit a collateral.

i.       What would you have done if you hadn’t got this job?

j.       If you had the choice, where would you live?


Change the following sentences into ‘if sentences’ as in the example.

Example: I did not go to a restaurant because I was not hungry.

                I would have gone to a restaurant if I had been hungry.


a.     The driver was talking on the phone so the accident happened.

If the driver had not been talking on the phone, the accident wouldn’t have happened.


b.     There is not anyone at home because all the lights are off.

If there was someone at home, all the lights would not be off.


c.      He must be an educated person because he has subscribed ‘The Kathmandu Post’.

If was not an educated person, he would not subscribe ‘The Kathmandu Post’.


d.     His head was not injured in the accident because he had put the helmet on.

His head would have been injured in the accident if he had not put the helmet on.


e.      I am sure he passed the exam because he gave a heavy treat to his friends.

If he hadn’t passed the exam, he wouldn’t have given a heavy treat to his friends.


f.       You didn’t take any breakfast so you are hungry now.

If you had taken some breakfast, you wouldn’t have been hungry now.


g.     I am sure he is a doctor because he is wearing the white gown.

If was not a doctor, he would not be wearing the white gown.


h.     She is very rich so she drives a Mercedes.

If she was not a rich, she would not drive a Mercedes.


i.       I didn’t know it was only half a kilometer from my house, so I booked a ride.

I hadn’t booked a ride if I had known it was only half a kilometer from my house.


j.       He has hidden something in his mind, so he does not look fresh.

He would have looked fresh if he had not hidden anything in his mind.



Conditional sentence types:




Structures and examples


It expresses cause and effect relationship.

The time is present. The statements talk about real world, general truth, such as scientific facts.

Simple present and simple present

If you heat water, it evaporates.

If you don’t water plants, they die.



Type 1

It shows the possible condition happening in the present to future

Simple present and will/shall/can/may + v1

If he invites me, I will attend the party.

Simple present and imperative

If you want pass the exam, work hard.



Type 2

It shows doubtful and hypothetical condition in the present.

Simple past and would/could/might + V1

If I were you, I would do the exercise regularly.

Unless he studied hard, he would fail the test.



Type 3

It shows unfulfilled conditions in the past and also expresses regrets.

Pat perfect and would/could/might + have +v3

If he had contacted me, I would have helped him.

He would have supported us if we had requested him.


More About Type: When to use?

·        If + present simple + present simple

·        If + present simple + future simple

·        If + present simple + imperative



If + present simple + present simple

If + present simple + future simple

If + present simple + imperative

Use or


Cause and effect

Possible condition and probable result, based on facts, real world and about particular situation

Suggestion/ advice


·        If you kick the dog, it barks.

·        If you heat the water, it evaporates.

·        If you heat ice, it melts.

·        If traffic lights are red, the drivers stop the vehicles.

·        If you want to write a letter, I need a pen and paper.

·        If he invites, she will come.

·        If you become late, you will miss the bus.

·        If you lose her phone number, you won’t be able to contact me.

·        If Ram gets results, he’ll study medicine.

·        If you want to pass the exam, study well.

·        If your mother calls, go home.

·        If you want to borrow a book from library, show your library card.

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